The State of New Jersey has established strict guidelines with reference to what is widely known as concealed carry permits. Though people are permitted to purchase a firearm in a relatively straightforward and simple fashion, possession does not automatically allow the weapon to be carried by its owner. Instead, a complex application process must be followed in order to establish a need to carry the gun based on three primary requirements. These requirements are:
Those who meet these requirements and receive approval of their handgun carry permit application must reapply every two years in order to ensure that their requirements are all still being met. Those who do not meet the requirements and who still want the right to carry a concealed weapon in New Jersey will need to pursue a gun permit appeal. Meeting each of the requirements cited above requires a fair amount of effort. Being identified as of “good character” requires three endorsements from someone who has known the applicant for at least three years, and there is a long list of disqualifying factors, including having been convicted of a crime, b being drug or alcohol dependent, being subject to a restraining order, and others. Demonstration of familiarity and safe handling requires completion of a firearms training course, including submission of recent scores in the gun’s use and a safe handling course. The most challenging aspect of the application is often proving justifiable need, which is broken down into separate categories for private citizens and for security professionals.
Failure to meet these requirements or to renew the permit and being found carrying a handgun can result in criminal charges. If you need help with the process, or are denied and need assistance in filing a gun permit appeal, contact our office to set up an appointment.