
June 23, 2017

How to Select the Best Mediator for your Legal Needs

Not every legal case has to be presented in front of a judge and jury. In many cases, it makes more sense to have a mediator […]
June 9, 2017

Can I Buy a Car or Refinance While Declaring Bankruptcy?

In general, bankruptcy debtors don’t typically enter major transactions when someone is going through bankruptcy without the Trustee and the Court’s approval. However, in some cases, […]
May 16, 2017

What Are the Basic Components of a Union Contract?

Contracts are agreements between two parties that ensure that both parties understand their obligations to one another. Contracts are written with the intention that both parties […]
April 20, 2017

What Happens After a Probation Violation?

When someone is released on probation, they can rejoin society and the community but with a specific set of requirements for their release. This can include […]
April 7, 2017

How Can an Off-road Safety Course Help to Prevent ATV Injury?

Riding All-Terrain Vehicles, or ATVs is a popular hobby and a great way to get out into the great outdoors and enjoy both fresh air and […]
March 31, 2017

What are the Three Classifications of FDA Recalls for Pharmaceuticals?

We are all familiar with product recalls. They are what happens when a manufacturer or distributor discovers that their product has a safety issue or defect […]
March 24, 2017

How Do Workplace Slip and Fall Claims Differ from Other Types of Slip and Fall Claims?

Slip and fall accidents happen every day, in all types of circumstances. According to the National Floor Safety Institute’s statistics, falls account for more than eight […]
March 10, 2017

Most ATV Accidents Are Avoidable. Stay Safe with These Tips

 All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. There are many reasons for this. Much of the enthusiasm for the sport lies in the fact that […]
March 3, 2017

How Communities in New Jersey are Combating Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a national problem that is reaching epidemic proportions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatalities from “distraction-affected” crashes increased 8.8% to […]
February 20, 2017

Don’t Make the Mistake of Taking a Municipal Court Appearance Too Lightly