Contracts are agreements between two parties that ensure that both parties understand their obligations to one another. Contracts are written with the intention that both parties are legally bound by their terms, and to protect both sides in case there are future questions or arguments as to performance. Contracts are written for many different types of interactions, including purchases, projects, and confirming the obligations and payment of employment. Union contracts are specifically written to protect the rights of workers and to outline the issues that will be negotiated during collective bargaining with an employer. Though every union contract is different based on the needs of its individual members and industry, there are five basic components that every union contract should include. These are:
Once a union contract has been written and the parties have negotiated its terms, the contract’s terms need to be approved by the union membership, usually by a secret ballot vote. If the contract is approved and signed, its terms are legally binding, and the employees are fully protected by its terms. A union contract requires careful crafting by an experienced knowledgeable attorney. For assistance with this integral protection, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.